Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Market on Facebook

How to Market on Facebook

For those wondering How to Market on Facebook…You have come to the right place! Everyone believes they know how, yet many fail to do ONE simple little thing.

Here is a “Secret” tip, from an expert, on How to Market on Facebook

After viewing my short video, you should now know “The Secret” to how I went from ZERO==>HERO in just 90 days! You too can now learn, How to Market on Facebook, thanks to this blog post.

How to Market on Facebook

This industry is based on relationships. If you are not willing to invest your time in people, people will not be willing to invest their $$$ with you in your business.
Follow my internal “secret” on How to Market on Facebook for the next 90-days and then share your success story!

To Your Success,

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What is Personal Development

What is Personal Development?

What is personal development?  We hear the term "personal development" get tossed around in the network marketing world as a means of inspiration quite often.  And a quick search on google is bound to lend you a wide range of thoughtful answers.  The problem is, many people will talk about the importance of personal development but never really scratch the surface!  So let's focus for a  few minutes and really think to ourselves, what is personal development?

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The term itself can sound a bit vague, and to be frank, it is.  That's because it will look different from one person to the next.  What needs improvement in your life may look entirely different from what needs cleaned up in mine!  So what is personal development to you?


What is Personal Development?

Personal development could include a number of things, such as:
  • Increased Happiness
  • Gaining Knowledge (Growth)
  • Controlled Finances
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Improved Spiritual Health
  • Superior Physical Health
  • Fulfilling Career
  • Family Focused Lifestyle
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Effective Goal Setting
These are just a few areas that could fall under what is personal development.  You may have more to add to that list, or you may only have one on the list that you feel is really important to you!  There is no right or wrong answer. 

With the "What is personal development?" question out of the way, how do we begin working on ourselves?  What are the action steps necessary to develop the areas we want to improve?

You can begin by:
  • Reading positive books
  • Listen to or watch motivational audio sets/videos
  • Surrounding yourself with positive-minded individuals
  • Pray/Meditate
  • Taking Steps towards a better physical state
  • Getting adequate rest
  • Forming new (good) intentional habits
  • Getting out of your comfort zone
  • Removing barriers that prevent you from moving forward
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones
  • Set goals
  • Take pride in your appearance

As before, these are just a few things that will get you on a path to positive change.  The important part is just to get started!  Don't let yourself get overwhelmed trying to make too many changes at one time.  Decide what you want to change or work towards, and start taking action one by one!  A path of positive change is never a bad one! 

Read more about personal development in the Effective Goal Setting Post. 

Have Personal Development Tools sent straight to your mobile phone by Clicking Here!

To Your Success,

Effective Goal Setting:Business and Beyond

Effective Goal Setting:  Business and Beyond

Effective goal setting goes beyond simply setting goals for your personal business.  You need to delve deeper into your personal goals and the reason WHY you are trying to achieve these goals.  Most people write goals that barely scratch the surface of what they are truly capable of.  Why?  Because we are too afraid to really take a look into your self and discover why we want to accomplish whatever it is we are aiming for.  To really be effective at goal setting, you need to decide more than what you want to achieve in five months, and combine it with why you want to achieve it. 


Before You Begin Goal Setting:  Determine What Drives You

Before you get started with your goal setting, you need to figure out what drives you.  Lots of people refer to this as your "why" so we will call it that from now on.  Everyone has a different why, and only you can decide what it is.  If you are married, it may not be the same as your spouse's, so you may each have your own why and also a why that you share.  To determine your why, you need to ask yourself some questions and start dreaming again.  For example:
  • What kind of lifestyle do you dream about?
  • Where would you love to live?
  • What is the driving force in your life?
Once you start thinking about these things, it's easy to start dreaming about the other areas as well.  This should get you thinking about "WHY" you want those things.  "WHY" is that so important to you?  What is the reason that you get up and grind and go to work every single day?  No one knows the answer to that but you.  When you finally discover what it is, it might even make you emotional.  That's when you know you have a successful "why". 

Define Your WHY

Everyone has goals, but effective goal setting is few and far between because so few people actually take the time to write them out in detail.  You need to break your long-term goals into bite size pieces, making them attainable step-by-step.  Not only does this make goals easier to achieve, it feels like your goal is closer each time you achieve one of your mini goals.  This is key, because if you go months or even years without progress, you aren't likely to keep going.  Thing about it in terms of losing weight, it is done pound by pound; inch by inch.  No one walks into a gym and loses 50lbs in a day!  
Specifically, you should create goals around the "S.M.A.R.T." approach.  Your goals should be:
S - Specific
M - Measureable
A -  Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time-Bound
With this principle in mind, it's time to start goal setting!

Steps of Goal Setting:

Step 1:  Long-Term Goals
Long Term goals can be as long off as you see them fit.  Some people may consider long-term one year, while others may view this as ten years.  It really just needs to be personal and relevant to you and what you consider to be long-term. 
Step 2:  Medium-Term Goals
These are the steps you will take to achieve your long-term goals.  For example, if my long term goal is to move to Hawaii, my medium-term goal might include saving a certain amount of money, securing a job in the area, or profiting from a business, and selecting a place to live. 
Step 3:  Short-term goals
These are going to be the steps you take to reach your medium-term goals.  They need to be easy to achieve and done quickly.  Continuing my example above, to reach my goal of securing a job in the area, I need to complete my resume and research jobs in the area I want to move.  These are two simple, achievable micro goals that will get me on the road towards attaining one of my medium term goals.
Goal Setting Success
Once you write out your goals, it’s important to put them somewhere you will see them every day for optimal goal setting success.  Place them on the fridge, on your nightstand or dresser, and on your bathroom mirror.  Seeing them will remind you every day the necessary steps you need to take to reach your long term goals.
To Your Success,
- Brian

Join Brian's EXCLUSIVE Facebook Leaders Group!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

FORM Network Marketing Success: How To Talk With Your Prospects

FORM Network Marketing Success:  How To Talk With Your Prospects

Do you have a plan when talking to a new prospect, or do you just kind of wing it?

Something that helped me when I first started in the industry, was using the FORM Network Marketing formula. This business is based on relationships and when you find out more about your prospect, the better you will understand who they are and what they are looking for.  Maybe their job sucks, they never get to see their family, and they are so busy being broke-and-busy they don't even realize it! Once you find out a more in depth perspective of who your prospect is, you will see exactly what they want, need, and strive for.

This all comes together in the FORM network marketing formula.

Family Are they married?
Do they have children?
How old are their children?
Where are they from?
Where did they grow up?

Where do they work?
How long have they been there?
What do they do there?
Do they like it?
If they could change one thing about their job what would it be?

What do they do for fun?
What are their hobbies?
What are their interests?
Do they take any vacations?
Where to?

Here is when, if you feel the time is right, you share your message.  There is no clear cut answer as to when the "right time" is and this will vary from prospect to prospect.  The important part is that you are forming relationships with people.  It's not just about getting them to be interested in your business, but they may have a service that is
of value to you as well.  If they seem interested or ask, then by all means, deliver!  But this may take time, and that is okay too!  Whatever you do, make sure you are coming across genuine, and not sounding like a used car salesman.

Overall, the idea is to practice using the FORM network marketing approach on everyone, even strangers in line at the grocery store until you are comfortable using it regularly.
Eventually you will be so comfortable using this approach it will naturally guide your conversations.

- Brian

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