Thursday, August 29, 2013

How Can I Guarantee Success In My Business?

How Can I Guarantee Success In My Business?

This is such a great question!

Have you every thought of this? "NEVER GIVE UP!" You don't know how close you are to succeeding!!

I believe the first step to guarantee success not only in business, but in life, is to NEVER accept defeat. Once you accept failing at something, and give-in, you have given up the possibility of having success.  Being defeated is one thing, but quitting is when you guarantee yourself of never achieving success. Breakthrough for you may be closer than you think: you could be so close to getting that promotion, so close to reaching your goal of running 2 miles, so close to helping your team become victorious! I'm sure you have heard the quote "Quitters never win, and Winners never quit!"

Guarantee Success From the Start!

A lot of the time the winner is whoever wants it the most because skill can only take you so far. Desire and Determination can take you as far as you allow it to. To guarantee success, you must know it in your heart that you will succeed from the start! Envision finishing what you started, and celebrating with joy...not at the accomplishment, but the road traveled to get there!

I’m going to tell you something that you may not want to hear....

When you make the decision to try something new or go after your goals and dreams, there are a few things that are going to happen.
  • You are going to fail
  • You are going to get frustrated
  • You are going to doubt yourself
  • You may even want to quit
Here's what I can promise...

It’s going to be OK, because as long as you don't quit and stay focused on your goal, you’re going to get better, it will get easier, you’ll gain confidence and you will GUARANTEE SUCCESS.

Every master was once a disaster.

The people who stay at the top, usually started at the very bottom.